Monday, February 15, 2010

Back here and Back ThEre...........

5 days have gone and past like a rocket.........
Time flies when we are having fun......wuwu!
i need to go back by today's 5pm........
what to do??
Although i would miss here so so much.........
i am still looking forward to go back.........
because i would learn M16(Riffle) starting form tomorrow..........!!~~

life there is simple i think..........
because everyday we are repeating the same routine......
the time has been mixed..........
the punishments also........
dihukum pakai full loreng...........
haha......tak kira apa jua situasi pun......~~
the most fun of the day is masa riadah!!
because at that time,.....we can do whatever we want!
no matter jogging......playing badminton,playing basketball,playing volleyball,football and so on........
we can also find a place to sit down and relax......(if tak ada jurulatih caught us lah)....haha
but i wont want to sit down and relax......
because i want to lose weight!
everyday run with angel during riadah........
is the most fun activity.......
we always jog and sing the band song at the same time......
or marching............~~!!
so miss her right now tim~
nvm .............
later i would go to her house......haha**
she kissed me on the last day when we were about to go back home.......
so romantic.........
when would i be kissed by the moon leh??
wanna muntah........

i am not as famous as what angel has said in her blog.......
just that i am quite noisy.....and people used to talk to me jek......
nothing else much.........
oh ya!!
the sky there at night is amazing!!
a lot of stars......and also moon!
i saw once........
an orange MOON!
what's a big strange~!!!
beautiful and attractive......
angel lied on my legs to see the sky and so did i......i lied on the one behind me!
every night i will be doing the same thing.........
look at the beautiful sky and say to myself......
nipple to the moon and stars.........
hope to bring the sky back to ipoh......
so that i can watch and observe it every night........

One more important thing to share!
that is/.......
the people are all very kind and friendly.........
i like to play with the jurulatih there.......
they are very funny and humourous people.......
Cikgu wan......i call him cikgu Bocor Bocor.......and so does he......
he calls me bocor bocor because of a song.......
when i first got to know that song......
i learned dancing from some malay girls......
maybe that time i looked funny with my movements??
so that teacher started to call me bocor bocor......haha
and one more.........
Cikgu Roy........
he imitates my laughters.......
he said my laughters macam terpaksa ketawa......
so funny man.......~~
Where got!@@
i am ikhlas de......hehe

oh ya^
some jurulatih there will paksa you to eat de oh..........
when i dont have appetite......
i dont want to take the food.......
but the jurulatih would get angry and turn the table over de......!
so scary.......
it had happened once to the other team of girls.......
so next time when i saw that teacher.........
i would hide myself at the place where we wash our plates..........and keep quiet!!

when i have come back from NS.........
i think i really did grow up!
i know why minister of Malaysia needs to melaung-laungkan konsep "satu malaysia"!
because it's very important to bersatu-padu and bercampur kaum......
we are living in malaysia......
must do our parts lah.........
every religion must respect each others........
i have learned many things from the others who are practising different cultures.....
i have learned character-building and kelas integrasi at there........
and now......
we are having kelas kenegaraan......
teaching how to respect and to be faithful to our own country.......
It's good to learn all that.........
because when we understand everyone of different religions around us........
we would enlarge our small minds........
we would have the chance to induce good ideas from the people around us........
they think the way that we couldn't think of...........
so we can all share our buah fikiran......
and that wiil forge our relationship.........!!
Satu tekad/...satu semangat......SATU MALAYSIA!!
dont be afraid of getting close with others.........
we should appreciate their presence.......
without them........
we are not MALAYSIANS>........~~
Thank God for giving me a chance to be a better man.......
get into PLKN........
Isn't that bad.........
i now........
for hatred PLKN last time......
when i first got to know that i have been chosen for PLKN.......
i was complaining!!
now it's different.......
the feelings of hatred has gone........
in fact...........
i am starting to love it**
so for siri 7 kumpulan 2 dan 3 yang bakal masuk PLKN..........
janganlah berase GERAMJIl..........
kerana inilah masa untuk kamu semua belajar dan hilangkan personaliti sendiri yang kurang baik........
kerana PLKN perlukan disiplin yang EXCELLENT!
kalau tidak............

finally updated my blog........
macam sangat bersemangat tim!!!
but die loh.........
when i get back.......
i need to join pertandingan perbahasan!
Sei ler.....^^
Save ME~!!!!